supported by our community impact fund


  • Grants are awarded only to organizations that have current Section 501(c)(3) status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service.
  • Applicants must be located in or serving one of the three counties of Boone, Campbell, or Kenton.


Recent events have brought into full view the growing inequalities related to race and economic opportunity. If Northern Kentucky is to thrive, we cannot leave any groups behind. We recognize both nationally and locally, there are increasing gaps in three areas that are foundational for human progress: education, health, and employment.

Horizon Community Funds is committed to closing these gaps. We pledge to invest in innovative, collaborative, and sustainable interventions that address these gaps in order to significantly advance the lives of those whom we serve.

Please keep this in mind as you prepare your letter of intent, your application, and any other material that you submit for our funding consideration.


  • Individuals
  • Political organizations or candidates
  • Non-charitable organizations or initiatives
  • Attendance at or sponsorship of fundraising events for organizations
  • Annual events or festivals
  • Projects and activities that have occurred. Horizon Community Funds will not, except in extraordinary cases, provide payment or reimbursement for expenses incurred prior to the funding decision being communicated to the applicant.
  • Any group that discriminates on the basis of age, color, race, national origin, gender identity, marital status, sensory, mental or physical ability, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

2025 grant cycle

JANUARY 31 AT 11:59 P.M.

Letter of intent* due


Invitation for full application

APRIL 25 AT 11:59 P.M.

Full application due


Funding decisions announced

letter of intent (loi)

*Letter of Intent (LOI): A description of your funding proposal, including: purpose, amount of funding requested, and desired impact.

Please note, we will prioritize funding for projects that accelerate progress, exhibit innovation, and show an ability and commitment to leveraging resources.

The following questions are included in the letter of intent evaluation process:

  • Will an investment in this organization have a meaningful impact?
  • Does the program address gaps in racial and economic equity in our community?
  • Does the program have clear measurable outcomes?

application info and requirements


  • Letter format, including the following elements that will be included for evaluation of each application:
    • Clear description of purpose for program/initiative
    • Amount requested with itemized budget for program/initiative
    • Detailed impact of program/initiative (including populations and numbers served)
    • Detailed impact of program on addressing gaps in racial and economic equity in our community
    • Description of measurable outcomes
    • Collaboration with other organizations
    • Differentiation from other community programs
    • Sustainability after requested funding ends
  • Current agency financials, most recent Form 990, and copy of IRS designation letter
  • Current board member list and foundation board list (if applicable)
  • Two supporting documents (optional)


  • Organizations that have received a Community Impact Fund grant are advised to wait a year before submitting another request.
  • Ordinarily, an organization receiving multi-year support may not apply for another grant until the final payment on the multi-year grant is made.