the 410

growing collaborative philanthropy

A New TAKE oN Charitable Leadership in

Did you know that 29 zip codes span Northern Kentucky across Boone, Campbell, and Kenton counties? While our communities are as unique as Northern Kentuckians themselves, there is one number that ties us all together: 410.

The 410 connects the new generation of civic and charitable leadership in Northern Kentucky. Pooled with your fellow 410 members, your commitment of $410 creates a powerful grant-making engine for Northern Kentucky nonprofits and civic projects.

2024 Schedule

  • August 21: Kickoff and focus area vote

  • Late September: Focus area panel discussion

  • Early November: Meet to discuss and determine funding/vote

  • Early December: Check presentation and celebration

our big idea

Our big idea is to build a robust culture of giving in Northern Kentucky by engaging young professionals in philanthropic leadership through The 410.

The 410 is a new take on a well-established concept, the giving circle. With a self-governing, open membership, targeting young adults who work or live in Northern Kentucky, members will:

  1. Commit $410 per year to identify, select, and collectively fund projects that will advance the quality of life in Northern Kentucky.

  2. Serve as part of an all-member, grant-making committee to review and recommend funding in an identified focus area that aligns with the grant making priorities of Horizon Community Funds: programs/initiatives that are innovative, accelerate solutions, and leverage community resources.

  3. Volunteer time and ideas to make locally-focused charitable giving more accessible and successful for small donors, young donors, and diverse donors.


This simple but powerful concept has the potential to be a catalyst to transform philanthropy in Northern Kentucky. The 410 will cultivate the next generation of civic and philanthropic leadership, grow endowment, connect donors to each other and the causes they care about, and sustainably impact the community, both immediately and in perpetuity.

The 410 invites young people with a commitment to serving Northern Kentucky to come together in a powerful way.

our focus

For Northern Kentucky to realize its fullest potential, we must create a dynamic, vibrant, and open culture of philanthropy that is welcoming to all but can also foster meaningful civic engagement and investment today and long into the future.

Identifying, cultivating, and supporting the next generation of civic and philanthropic leaders is critical to the future of our community. By growing philanthropic leaders and permanent charitable resources, we increase the pool of people and resources needed to address our most pressing issues and compelling opportunities. Growing philanthropy will help ensure our region’s continued growth and prosperity not only for today’s generation of Northern Kentuckians, but also for all future generations.

our endowment

The annual, spendable pay-out from The 410 endowment will be added each year to the pool of funds available for immediate grant making. Community donors and established philanthropists who support next generation philanthropy by making a direct gift to The 410 endowment will be invited to meet with The 410 members at informal gatherings. We believe role models and mentors are critical to the development of young philanthropists, and their willingness to engage with members would have a meaningful impact.


Questions about The 410? Contact Mary Kate Vanderglas at

The 410 puts my donation to work immediately and gives me a voice in deciding how my donation is used. It connects me to other individuals who care as much as I do about making our community better.

Justin Otto, Member since 2020

I look forward to The 410 each fall! It’s a great way to contribute to the local community. I’ve enjoyed coming together with other members to decide how to invest these funds. Mostly, I appreciate learning about the great initiatives the community organizes.

Shannon Peterson, Member since 2022

Through The 410, we are able to get more out of philanthropy than just making a donation.

Liz Corbett, Member since 2019