Local Nonprofits Receive Nearly $32,000 for Emergency Relief


need for food, shelter, transportation remains heightened in community due to pandemic   

Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky has distributed $31,800 across three local nonprofits through the Horizon NKY Coronavirus Relief Fund, bringing relief support totals to more than $800,000 for Northern Kentucky through the community foundation. 


The following grants have been deployed across Northern Kentucky: 

  • $17,800 to Generations Food Pantry in Independence 

  • $10,000 to Samaritan Car Care Clinic in Covington 

  • $4,000 to Welcome House of Northern Kentucky in Covington 


“As we approach a full year under the grip of the coronavirus, the generosity of our donors and their combined gifts have enabled us to continuously and carefully deploy emergency assistance where it is most needed in Northern Kentucky,” said Horizon Community Funds President Nancy Grayson. “This recent round of grants keeps our neighbors fed, sheltered, and mobile, which are critical needs to meet in order to be safe, healthy, and self-sufficient.” 


Generations Food Pantry has been continuously operating since 2017, beginning as a ministry of Generations Church offering a monthly “choice” pantry, hot meal and general assistance program. Since the pandemic started, the organization has doubled its number of operating days each month and has distributed nearly 20,000 meals, as its volunteers are now seeing more than four times the number of families in need than before the pandemic started. The pantry received $17,800 to purchase a fork lift, an enclosed trailer, refrigeration and freezer equipment, and shelving to increase its capacity. 


“The reaction from our volunteers and our community was, without a question, that of compassion and generosity,” said Chastity Barber, Generations Food Pantry Executive Director of Community Development. “But with resources dwindling and the pandemic lasting longer than anyone ever imagined, we all have neighbors, friends and families who deal with hunger and struggle to put healthy food on the table. We are so blessed to find a partnership with Horizon Community Funds to help us get additional resources and the equipment our volunteers need to keep going. What a generous gift!” 


Samaritan Car Care Clinic provides complimentary routine vehicle maintenance and critical safety related repairs for low-income individuals, borrowing space from a local auto body shop for one day every three months to perform its critical services. The organization received $10,000 to purchase the necessary parts and labor to maintain/repair vehicles of families and individuals that have suffered income loss due to COVID-19. 


“This grant from Horizon Community Funds comes at a wonderful time,” said Samaritan Car Care Clinic Director Bruce Kintner. “Clients of our referral partners continue to face economic hardships because of COVID-related job loss or income reduction. With this grant, the Samaritan Car Care Clinic will be able to offer a hand up to quite a few people who would otherwise face an insurmountable car repair bill.” 


Welcome House received and additional $4,000 to support the St. Elizabeth Healthcare Foundation in their endeavors to assist individuals/families with hotel lodging for convalescence due to a coronavirus diagnosis. The funds will support lodging for individuals/families identified by St. Elizabeth Foundation, and will also cover time and transportation costs for Welcome House staff to provide in-person staff coverage required by the hotel when necessary for the covered individuals/families. 


“Welcome House could not feel more privileged to partner with St. Elizabeth and Horizon Community Funds to get these life-saving services in the hands of the people that need it the most,” said Welcome House CEO Daney Amrine. “Providing safe and effective COVID-19 rehabilitation stays for our community’s most vulnerable ensures that we are keeping the clients safe as well as our communities. In a time filled with unknowns and uncertainties, it’s wonderful knowing that we can rely on our community partners to take us to the finish line.” 


Individuals and businesses are encouraged to donate to the Horizon NKY Coronavirus Relief Fund by: 

  • Texting “NKYRELIEF” to 44-321 

  • Visiting www.horizonfunds.org 

  • Mailing a check made payable to Horizon Community Funds (memo: NKY Coronavirus Relief Fund): 50 E. RiverCenter Blvd., Suite 431, Covington, KY 41011 


About Horizon Community Funds 

Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky is a qualified public charitable 501(c)(3) organization established as a community foundation in 2017 by Northern Kentucky leaders. Its mission is to unite resources to raise the quality of life for all people in the Northern Kentucky community. Learn more at www.horizonfunds.org.  

