Campbell County Historical Society Needs Room to Grow

Nonprofit launches book, foundation partnership to build financial support for new location

 The Campbell County Historical and Genealogical Society is bursting at the seams.

“We wanted to procure four filing cabinets for our growing number of genealogical records,” said Historical Society President Steve Battistone. “Finding someone to donate them is no problem- we just have absolutely nowhere to put them. We also have people holding exhibit items they wish to donate until we can find a place large enough to show them.”

The all-volunteer nonprofit formed in 1990 to preserve, protect and promote history and genealogy in Campbell County, Kentucky. The organization also currently maintains a research office, library, and museum on the second floor of the historic Alexandria Courthouse to maintain its projects, including:

  • local history and genealogy research

  • local cemetery research

  • Campbell County log cabin research

  • Campbell County Military Veterans information

  • local history book writing and reprinting

  • oral histories

These projects and their corresponding documents have filled up the second floor space to capacity, leading the society’s leadership to urgently seek an expanded space. To support this and ongoing efforts, the nonprofit recently partnered with Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky to establish a fund.

“This is a great time for us to support the Campbell County Historical Society with a fund partnership,” said Horizon Community Funds President Nancy Grayson. “As an organization charged with collecting and archiving information about all events of historic significance, a prime example of their importance is in future storytelling around COVID-19’s impact on local history, specific to Campbell County. Their need for space will only continue to grow, and we hope the community shows up in strong support for these uncommon advocates of Northern Kentucky history.”

In addition to the new fund, the Historical Society has announced the release of a new book called “One Day in Campbell County.” The hardcover book features 260 full-color pages of photographs from hobbyists and professionals alike, all taken on Saturday, April 27, 2019, across Campbell County.

“This book is a culmination of our Campbell County neighbors’ work, and is a collection of places that really make Campbell County such a great place,” added Battistone. “This is a book you will want to share with others and pass down from generation to generation.”

The society is hopeful that they will be able to secure enough in community donations to secure a down payment or lease on a larger facility very soon.

Those wishing to make a contribution to the Campbell County Historical and Genealogical Society Fund at Horizon Community Funds can do so through:

  • online donation at

  • check made payable to Horizon Community Funds (memo: Campbell County Historical Society) and mailed to 50 E. RiverCenter Blvd., Suite 430, Covington, KY 41011

More information about and purchase of “One Day in Campbell County” can be found by contacting Campbell County Historical Society President Steve Battistone at

About Horizon Community Funds 

Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky is a qualified public charitable 501(c)(3) organization established as a community foundation in 2017 by Northern Kentucky leaders. Its mission is to unite resources to raise the quality of life for all people in the Northern Kentucky community. Learn more at

