“Keys to Hope” Housing Fair Will Showcase Local Emergency Funding and Supports for Landlords, Renters in NKY
free event to be held at life learning center in covington
Horizon Community Funds, with co-sponsors Kentucky Housing Corporation and Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission, will offer a free event for local landlords and tenants to learn about money and other resources they might qualify for during the current “eviction moratorium.” The “Keys to Hope” housing resource presentation and fair will be held Saturday, May 8 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Life Learning Center in Covington.
At 11 a.m., there will be a brief presentation specifically for landlords about how to receive [up to six months of] reliable monthly rent payments or deposits through programs and partnerships available in Northern Kentucky. Agency representatives will also be on-site to enroll interested parties.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to connect with local agencies that offer supports and services for apartments and homes, including information on rental assistance, weatherization, home repairs, employment training, and much more.
One such resource that will be presented is Kentucky’s Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund (HHERF) program, which allows landlords to get substantial payments for back rent, while reducing the volume of eviction cases in Kentucky courts.
To be eligible, tenants may reside in any Kentucky county outside of Fayette County and Jefferson County, and must have experienced income reduction/loss or other economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Depending on past due bills, tenant applicants may seek assistance with rent, utilities, or both.
“Keys to Hope” participating agencies include:
– Brighton Center
– Cincinnati VA Medical Center
– City of Covington Section 8 Voucher Program
– Homeless & Housing Coalition of Kentucky
– Kentucky Housing Corporation
– Legal Aid of the Bluegrass
– Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission
– People Working Cooperatively
– Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of NKY
– United Way of Greater Cincinnati 211 Hotline
– Welcome House of Northern Kentucky
“As we have pulled this event together, we have been hearing over and over that there is money available to help cover emergency rent and deposits, as well as other needs,” said Horizon Community Funds President Nancy Grayson. “We are hopeful that the fair and presentation will lead to some life-changing connections for the community, and some valuable connections to funding for our local landlords.”
The event was suggested by the advisory committee leading the Horizon NKY Coronavirus Relief Fund. Committee members have tracked community needs since March 2020, and allocated funding to help Northern Kentucky’s nonprofits provide for those who have lost income due to the pandemic. With a careful eye on the intensified crisis in housing and the imminent end of the federal eviction moratorium, the committee determined that the “Keys to Hope” informational forum could supplement financial support from the Relief Fund.
More information can be found at www.horizonfunds.org/keys-to-hope-2021. Landlords are encouraged to reserve their spot at the presentation by sending their name and email address to Tess Brown at tbrown@horizonfunds.org or 859.620.8221.